I know her via
text messages and snatches of conversation.
I know her when
she leaves her flat. When she comes to the front door.
I know the way her
fingers brush mine when she hands over the cash and takes her stuff.
I know she does
too much.
I know she says
she sometimes buys for Valerie.
I know she’s lying.
And I know why.
Because she’s a nice girl.
This is how it
happens, when nice girls get addicted. When something happens and they turn to
weed to cope. I don’t know what happened to Ruby exactly, but I can guess.
Hands where they’re not supposed to be, a no
turned by force into a whimpered yes,
whatever. She isn’t the first one. She won’t be the last.
Way I see it, I’m
an unofficial part of the National Health. A public servant. There are waiting
lists for counselling, and docs will only prescribe benzos for so long. So who
fills the gap between the referral and the first appointment? Me. My stuff’s
medicinal. The way I see it.
That’s why I
mainly deal to women. Men, boys, I’m not saying always but often enough it’s
just fun for them. Dude let’s get
high, dude let’s watch a fucking
Kevin Smith movie, dude let’s spend a
whole night talking in catchphrases…They’re not the ones who need it.
Half the time they’re
the reason my girls need it.
Fucking men.
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